Der folgende Englisch-Grammatik-Test umfasst 40 Multiple-Choice-Fragen. Sie sollten alle Fragen innerhalb von 15 Minuten beantwortet haben. Sobald Sie den Test beendet haben, erfahren Sie, wie viele Fragen Sie richtig beantwortet haben, und erhalten eine ungefähre Einschätzung Ihres Englisch-Levels.
1 / 40
She has __ companies 3 times this year.
2 / 40
I _ 30 years old.
3 / 40
My friend lost my book but she insisted _ buying me a new one.
4 / 40
_ you live with your mother?
5 / 40
I think you __ join us.
6 / 40
The cafe is cheap but the restaurant is _ .
7 / 40
I _ feel unhappy if we moved.
8 / 40
Where __ on holiday last summer?
9 / 40
I _ a doctor for 20 years.
10 / 40
We are taking a first aid kit on holiday, _ there is an accident.
11 / 40
_ her favourite sport?
12 / 40
They were friends when they were young but don't _ any more.
13 / 40
We waited in the waiting room for an hour and _ they called my name.
14 / 40
My father is _ artist.
15 / 40
Our visit to Jersey, was an _ experience, we hope to go back soon.
16 / 40
She has been _ late a lot and is likely to get a bonus.
17 / 40
This time next week, we _ in a 5* hotel.
18 / 40
He's my brother. He's my parent's _ .
19 / 40
Do you think __ meet us at 5pm?
20 / 40
The tailor _ the trousers, as the waist was too large.
21 / 40
The worst thing _ the city is the rubbish.
22 / 40
My father visited _ last week.
23 / 40
Who _ the most pairs of shoes?
24 / 40
The seller turned _ the offer on the house.
25 / 40
It _ as if it's going to rain in a while.
26 / 40
She _ her way up from tea girl to producer in just 4 years.
27 / 40
I have just been shopping, I hope my bank account is not _ .
28 / 40
We _ 2 brothers.
29 / 40
The prices of books online are different _ the prices in local shops.
30 / 40
We _ to the theatre.
31 / 40
Can you _ a holiday brochure at the travel agent for me?
32 / 40
If you feel ill, you _ go home.
33 / 40
He was not home, so I _ again tomorrow.
34 / 40
He had a smart suit on and was _-shaven.
35 / 40
When I was in Wales I __ some old friends.
36 / 40
Please turn _ the light.
37 / 40
Do you have any sugar? I can't see _ .
38 / 40
I _ a great time so far.
39 / 40
We are _ a football match in the pub.
40 / 40
Men drive as carefully _ women.
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